Monday, April 2, 2012

Adjusting to parenthood

Being a parent is close to what was expected. Lots of diaper changing, feeding, sleeping, and some crying every now and then. I never thought that I would adjust to being a mom so quickly. Before I was terrified of holding a baby at all, let alone putting their fragile bodies in outfits and changing their diapers. But the moment I held Skyler in my arms, motherhood kicked in and suddenly I was supermom. Daddy and I have so much love for Skyler, and being parents was the best move we could ever make. He is such a good boy, rarely even fussy. It seems the most difficult changes were sleep deprivation and the effect it had on my relationship with Travis. There didn't seem to be much time for each other, but thankfully we are starting to get a balanced routine and making time for the things we want. With lots of help from family and friends, we were able to transition well into becoming a family, and now that we are on our own, we are enjoying the parenthood experience.

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