Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day!

Well things have been going great since the near-death experience. I'm feeling tons better, and my wonderful Travis has been a great help. Summer is going great so far, we've already managed to make it to some pot lucks and bbq's. Not only that, but its yard sale time and I recently struck gold!!! I got a dresser, coffee table, couch, dining table with 4 chairs all for $100! It was a great deal and I'm excited to make them all go from drab to FAB. Skyler is also 4 months old today, and I can't believe how big he is getting. I'm loving every moment. We'll be making a 4 month video tomorrow on Dads day off, so keep an eye out for that. On another note, I gotta give a shout out to all the wonderful men in my life this Father's Day. Although I'll be spending it playing cards with the women, while Travis enjoys a game with the men, I declare the men in my life to be the bestest! I've got a father-in-law who is awesome, a loving grandpa, a dad who seems to be great at everything, and a loving husband. Grandpa you are the greatest, it isn't very common for a grandpa to wear costumes or to act so silly, but Grandma trained you well! To my dad, I love you so much! It seems whenever we're in a bind, or need a fix it man, you're always there. You have always been a great example in the church and as a father and dad. I miss you very much (and not just because our house is in need of more fixing...) To Travis, you are the best choice and decision I have ever made. Because of you I am a happy and loved woman with the cutest little boy that will someday exemplify all your wonderful qualities. Life just continues to be better and blessed. I love all of my family/extended family!

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